Building Images for Vanilla PluginΒΆ

As of now vanilla plugin works with images with pre-installed Apache Hadoop. To simplify task of building such images we use Disk Image Builder.

Disk Image Builder is built of elements. An element is a particular set of code that alters how the image is built, or runs within the chroot to prepare the image.

Elements for building vanilla images are stored in Savanna extra repository


Savanna requires images with cloud-init package installed:

In this document you will find instruction on how to build Ubuntu and Fedora images with Apache Hadoop.

  1. Clone repository “” locally.

  2. You just can run script in any directory (for example, in home directory). This script will create two cloud images - Fedora and Ubuntu.

    sudo bash
    This scripts will update your system and install required packages.
    • kpartx
    • qemu
    Then it will clone the repositories “” and “” and export nessesary parameters.
    • DIB_HADOOP_VERSION - version of Hadoop to install
    • JAVA_DOWNLOAD_URL - download link for JDK (tarball or bin)
    • OOZIE_DOWNLOAD_URL - download link for OOZIE (we have built
    Oozie libs here:
    • HIVE_VERSION - version of Hive to install (currently supports only 0.11.0)
    • ubuntu_image_name
    • fedora_image_name
    • DIB_IMAGE_SIZE - parameter that specifies a volume of hard disk of
    instance. You need to specify it only for Fedora because Fedora doesn’t use all available volume
    • DIB_COMMIT_ID - latest commit id of diksimage-builder project
    • SAVANNA_ELEMENTS_COMMIT_ID - latest commit id of savanna-image-elements project

    NOTE: If you don’t want to use default values, you should edit this script and set your values of parameters.

    Then it will create two cloud image with hadoop, hive, oozie, mysql, swift_hadoop elements that install all necessary packages and configure them. You will find these images in current directory.

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