Savanna REST API v1.0 ********************* .. note:: REST API v1.0 corresponds to Savanna v0.2.X 1 General API information ========================= This section contains base info about the Savanna REST API design. 1.1 Authentication and Authorization ------------------------------------ The Savanna API uses the Keystone Identity Service as the default authentication service. When Keystone is enabled, users who submit requests to the Savanna service must provide an authentication token in X-Auth-Token request header. User could obtain the token by authenticating to the Keystone endpoint. For more information about Keystone, see the OpenStack Identity Developer Guide. Also with each request user must specify OpenStack tenant in url path like that: '/v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters'. Savanna will perform the requested operation in that tenant using provided credentials. Therefore, user will be able to create and manage clusters only within tenants he have access to. 1.2 Request / Response Types ---------------------------- The Savanna API supports the JSON data serialization format. This means that for requests that contain a body, the Content-Type header must be set to the MIME type value "application/json". Also, clients should accept JSON serialized responses by specifying the Accept header with the MIME type value "application/json" or adding ".json" extension to the resource name. The default response format is "application/json" if the client omits to specify an Accept header or append the ".json" extension in the URL path. Example: .. sourcecode:: http GET /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters.json or .. sourcecode:: http GET /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters Accept: application/json 1.3 Faults ---------- The Savanna API returns an error response if a failure occurs while processing a request. Savanna uses only standard HTTP error codes. 4xx errors indicate problems in the particular request being sent from the client and 5xx errors indicate server-side problems. The response body will contain richer information about the cause of the error. An error response follows the format illustrated by the following example: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST Content-type: application/json Content-length: 126 { "error_name": "CLUSTER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS", "error_message": "Cluster with name 'test-cluster' already exists", "error_code": 400 } The 'error_code' attribute equals to HTTP response code. The 'error_name' attribute indicates generic error type without any concrete ids or names, etc. And the last attribute is 'error_message' that contains human readable error description. 2 Plugins ========= **Description** Plugin object provides information about what Hadoop distribution/version it can install, and what configurations can be set for the cluster. **Plugins ops** +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Verb | URI | Description | +=================+===================================================================+=====================================================+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/plugins | Lists all plugins registered in Savanna. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/plugins/{plugin_name} | Shows short information about specified plugin. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/plugins/{plugin_name}/{version} | Shows detailed information for plugin, like | | | | node_processes, required_image_tags and configs. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | POST | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/plugins/{plugin_name}/{version}/convert-config | Converts file-based cluster config to Cluster | | | | Template Object | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ **Examples** 2.1 List all Plugins -------------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/plugins Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation returns the list of all plugins. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/plugins **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "plugins": [ { "description": "This plugin provides an ability to launch vanilla Apache Hadoop cluster without any management consoles.", "versions": [ "1.2.1" ], "name": "vanilla", "title": "Vanilla Apache Hadoop" } ] } 2.2 Short Plugin information ---------------------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/plugins/{plugin_name} Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation returns short plugin description. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/plugins/vanilla **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "plugin": { "title": "Vanilla Apache Hadoop", "description": "This plugin provides an ability to launch vanilla Apache Hadoop cluster without any management consoles.", "name": "vanilla", "versions": [ "1.2.1" ] } } 2.3 Detailed Plugin information ------------------------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/plugins/{plugin_name}/{version} Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation returns detailed plugin description. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/plugins/vanilla/1.2.1 **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "plugin": { "node_processes": { "HDFS": [ "namenode", "datanode", "secondarynamenode" ], "MapReduce": [ "tasktracker", "jobtracker" ] }, "description": "This plugin provides an ability to launch vanilla Apache Hadoop cluster without any management consoles.", "versions": [ "1.2.1" ], "required_image_tags": [ "vanilla", "1.2.1" ], "configs": [ { "default_value": "/tmp/hadoop-${}", "name": "hadoop.tmp.dir", "priority": 2, "config_type": "string", "applicable_target": "HDFS", "is_optional": true, "scope": "node", "description": "A base for other temporary directories." }, { "default_value": true, "name": "hadoop.native.lib", "priority": 2, "config_type": "bool", "applicable_target": "HDFS", "is_optional": true, "scope": "node", "description": "Should native hadoop libraries, if present, be used." }, ], "title": "Vanilla Apache Hadoop", "name": "vanilla" } } 2.4 Convert configuration file ------------------------------ .. http:post:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/plugins/{plugin_name}/{version}/convert-config Normal Response Code: 202 (ACCEPTED) Errors: none This operation returns short plugin description. The request body should contain configuration file. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v1.0/775181/plugins/some-plugin/1.1/convert-config **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster_template": { "name": "cluster-template", "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {}, "general": {} }, "plugin_name": "some-plugin", "anti_affinity": [], "node_groups": [ { "count": 1, "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], }, { "count": 3, "name": "worker", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], } ], "hadoop_version": "1.1", "id": "c365b7dd-9b11-492d-a119-7ae023c19b51", "description": "Converted Cluster Template" } } 3 Image Registry ================ **Description** Image Registry is a tool for managing images. Each plugin provides a list of required tags an image should have. Savanna also requires username to login into instance's OS for remote operations execution. Image Registry provides an ability to add/remove tags to images and define OS username. **Image Registry ops** +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Verb | URI | Description | +=================+===================================================================+=====================================================+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images | Lists all images registered in Image Registry | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images?tags=tag1&tags=tag2 | Lists all images with both tag1 and tag2 | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id} | Shows information about specified Image. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | POST | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id} | Registers specified Image in Image Registry | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | DELETE | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id} | Removes specified Image from Image Registry | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | POST | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id}/tag | Adds tags to specified Image | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | POST | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id}/untag | Removes tags for specified Image | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ **Examples** 3.1 List all Images ------------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation returns the list of all registered images. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/images **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "images": [ { "status": "ACTIVE", "username": "ec2-user", "name": "fedoraSwift_hadoop_savanna_v02", "tags": [ "vanilla", "1.2.1" ], "minDisk": 0, "progress": 100, "minRam": 0, "metadata": { "_savanna_tag_vanilla": "True", "_savanna_tag_1.2.1": "True", "_savanna_username": "ec2-user" }, "id": "daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f" } ] } 3.2 List Images with specified tags ----------------------------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images?tags=tag1&tags=tag2 Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation returns the list of images with specified tags. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/images?tags=vanilla **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "images": [ { "status": "ACTIVE", "username": "ec2-user", "name": "fedoraSwift_hadoop_savanna_v02", "tags": [ "vanilla", "1.2.1" ], "minDisk": 0, "progress": 100, "minRam": 0, "metadata": { "_savanna_tag_vanilla": "True", "_savanna_tag_1.2.1": "True", "_savanna_username": "ec2-user" }, "id": "daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f" } ] } 3.3 Show Image -------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id} Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation show information about requested Image. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/images/daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "image": { "status": "ACTIVE", "username": "ec2-user", "name": "fedoraSwift_hadoop_savanna_v02", "tags": [ "vanilla", "1.2.1" ], "minDisk": 0, "progress": 100, "minRam": 0, "metadata": { "_savanna_tag_vanilla": "True", "_savanna_tag_1.2.1": "True", "_savanna_username": "ec2-user" }, "id": "daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f" } } 3.4 Register Image ------------------ .. http:post:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id} Normal Response Code: 202 (ACCEPTED) Errors: none This operation returns registered image. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v1.0/775181/images/daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f .. sourcecode:: json { "username": "ec2-user", "description": "Fedora image" } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "image": { "status": "ACTIVE", "username": "ec2-user", "name": "fedoraSwift_hadoop_savanna_v02", "tags": [], "minDisk": 0, "progress": 100, "minRam": 0, "metadata": { "_savanna_username": "ec2-user", "_savanna_description": "Fedora image" }, "id": "daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f" } } 3.5 Delete Image ---------------- .. http:delete:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id} Normal Response Code: 204 (NO CONTENT) Errors: none Remove Image from Image Registry This operation returns nothing. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE http://savanna/v1.0/775181/images/daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT Content-Type: application/json 3.6 Add Tags to Image --------------------- .. http:post:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id}/tag Normal Response Code: 202 (ACCEPTED) Errors: none This operation returns updated image. Add Tags to Image. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v1.0/775181/images/daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f/tag .. sourcecode:: json { "tags": ["tag1", "some_other_tag"] } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "image": { "status": "ACTIVE", "username": "ec2-user", "name": "fedoraSwift_hadoop_savanna_v02", "tags": ["tag1", "some_other_tag"], "minDisk": 0, "progress": 100, "minRam": 0, "metadata": { "_savanna_username": "ec2-user", "_savanna_description": "Fedora image", "_savanna_tag_tag1": "True", "_savanna_tag_some_other_tag": "True" }, "id": "daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f" } } 3.7 Remove Tags from Image -------------------------- .. http:post:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id}/untag Normal Response Code: 202 (ACCEPTED) Errors: none This operation returns updated image. Removes Tags form Image. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v1.0/775181/images/daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f/untag .. sourcecode:: json { "tags": ["unnecessary_tag"], } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "image": { "status": "ACTIVE", "username": "ec2-user", "name": "fedoraSwift_hadoop_savanna_v02", "tags": ["tag1"], "minDisk": 0, "progress": 100, "minRam": 0, "metadata": { "_savanna_username": "ec2-user", "_savanna_description": "Fedora image", "_savanna_tag_tag1": "True" }, "id": "daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f" } } 4 Node Group Templates ====================== **Description** Node Group Template is a template for configuring a group of nodes. A Node Group Template contains a list of processes, that will be launched on each node. Also node scoped configurations can be defined in a Node Group Template. **Node Group Templates ops** +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | Verb | URI | Description | +=================+===================================================================+=======================================================+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/node-group-templates | Lists all Node Group Templates. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/node-group-templates/ | Shows Information about specified Node Group Template | | | | by id | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | POST | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/node-group-templates | Creates a new Node Group Template. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | DELETE | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/node-group-templates/ | Deletes an existing Node Group Template by id. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ **Examples** 4.1 List all Node Group Templates --------------------------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/node-group-templates Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation returns the list of all Node Group Templates. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/node-group-templates **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "node_group_templates": [ { "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9", "description": "" }, { "name": "worker", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "6bbaba84-d936-4e76-9381-987d3568cf4c", "description": "" } ] } 4.2 Show Node Group Template ---------------------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/node-group-templates/{node_group_template_id} Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation shows information about a specified Node Group Template. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/node-group-templates/ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9 **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "node_group_template": { "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "floating_ip_pool": "public", "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9", "description": "" } } 4.3 Create Node Group Template ------------------------------ .. http:post:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/node-group-templates Normal Response Code: 202 (ACCEPTED) Errors: none This operation returns created Node Group Template. **Example without configurations**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v1.0/775181/node-group-templates .. sourcecode:: json { "plugin_name": "vanilla", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "name": "master", "floating_ip_pool", "public", "flavor_id": "42" } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "node_group_template": { "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "floating_ip_pool", "public", "node_configs": {}, "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "ddefda09-9ab9-4555-bf48-e996243af6f2" } } **Example with configurations**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v1.0/775181/node-group-templates .. sourcecode:: json { "plugin_name": "vanilla", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "name": "worker", "flavor_id": "42", "node_configs": { "HDFS": { "data_node_heap_size": 1024 }, "MapReduce": { "task_tracker_heap_size": 1024 } } } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "node_group_template": { "name": "worker", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": { "data_node_heap_size": 1024 }, "MapReduce": { "task_tracker_heap_size": 1024 } }, "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "060afabe-f4b3-487e-8d48-65c5bb5eb79e" } } 4.4 Delete Node Group Template ------------------------------ .. http:delete:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/node-group-templates/{node_group_template_id} Normal Response Code: 204 (NO CONTENT) Errors: none Remove Node Group Template This operation returns nothing. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE http://savanna/v1.0/775181/node-group-templates/060afabe-f4b3-487e-8d48-65c5bb5eb79e **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT Content-Type: application/json 5 Cluster Templates =================== **Description** Cluster Template is a template for configuring a Hadoop cluster. A Cluster Template contains a list of node groups with number of instances in each. Also cluster scoped configurations can be defined in a Cluster Template. **Cluster Templates ops** +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | Verb | URI | Description | +=================+===================================================================+=======================================================+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/cluster-templates | Lists all Cluster Templates. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/cluster-templates/ | Shows Information about specified Cluster Template | | | | by id | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | POST | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/cluster-templates | Creates a new Cluster Template. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | DELETE | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/cluster-templates/ | Deletes an existing Cluster Template by id. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ **Examples** 5.1 List all Cluster Templates ------------------------------ .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/cluster-templates Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation returns the list of all Cluster Templates. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/cluster-templates **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster_templates": [ { "name": "cluster-template", "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {}, "general": {} }, "plugin_name": "vanilla", "anti_affinity": [], "node_groups": [ { "count": 1, "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "node_group_template_id": "ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9" }, { "count": 3, "name": "worker", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "node_group_template_id": "6bbaba84-d936-4e76-9381-987d3568cf4c" } ], "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "c365b7dd-9b11-492d-a119-7ae023c19b51", "description": "" } ] } 5.2 Show Cluster Template ------------------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/cluster-templates/{cluster_template_id} Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation shows information about a specified Cluster Template. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/cluster-templates/c365b7dd-9b11-492d-a119-7ae023c19b51 **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster_template": { "name": "cluster-template", "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {}, "general": {} }, "plugin_name": "vanilla", "anti_affinity": [], "node_groups": [ { "count": 1, "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "node_group_template_id": "ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9" }, { "count": 3, "name": "worker", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "node_group_template_id": "6bbaba84-d936-4e76-9381-987d3568cf4c" } ], "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "c365b7dd-9b11-492d-a119-7ae023c19b51", "description": "" } } 5.3 Create Cluster Template --------------------------- .. http:post:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/cluster-templates Normal Response Code: 202 (ACCEPTED) Errors: none This operation returns created Cluster Template. **Example without configurations. Node groups taken from templates**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v1.0/775181/cluster-templates .. sourcecode:: json { "plugin_name": "vanilla", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "node_groups": [ { "name": "worker", "count": 3, "node_group_template_id": "6bbaba84-d936-4e76-9381-987d3568cf4c" }, { "name": "master", "count": 1, "node_group_template_id": "ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9" } ], "name": "cl-template", "neutron_management_network": "e017fdde-a2f7-41ed-b342-2d63083e7772", "cluster_configs": {} } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster_template": { "name": "cl-template", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "anti_affinity": [], "node_groups": [ { "count": 3, "name": "worker", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "node_group_template_id": "6bbaba84-d936-4e76-9381-987d3568cf4c" }, { "count": 1, "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "node_group_template_id": "ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9" } ], "neutron_management_network": "e017fdde-a2f7-41ed-b342-2d63083e7772", "cluster_configs": {}, "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "e2ad1d5d-5fff-45e8-8c3c-34697c7cd5ac" } } **Example with configurations and no Node Group Templates**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v1.0/775181/node-group-templates .. sourcecode:: json { "plugin_name": "vanilla", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "node_groups": [ { "name": "master", "count": 1, "flavor_id": "42", "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ] }, { "name": "worker", "count": 3, "flavor_id": "42", "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ] } ], "name": "cl-template2", "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": { "dfs.replication": 2 } }, "anti_affinity": [] } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster_template": { "name": "cl-template2", "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": { "dfs.replication": 2 } }, "plugin_name": "vanilla", "anti_affinity": [], "node_groups": [ { "count": 1, "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_configs": {}, "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ] }, { "count": 3, "name": "worker", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_configs": {}, "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ] } ], "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "9d72bc1a-8d38-493e-99f3-ebca4ec99ad8" } } 5.4 Delete Cluster Template --------------------------- .. http:delete:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/cluster-templates/{cluster_template_id} Normal Response Code: 204 (NO CONTENT) Errors: none Remove Node Group Template This operation returns nothing. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE http://savanna/v1.0/775181/cluster-templates/9d72bc1a-8d38-493e-99f3-ebca4ec99ad8 **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT Content-Type: application/json 6 Clusters ========== **Description** Cluster object represents a Hadoop cluster. A Cluster like a Cluster Template contains a list of node groups with number of instances in each. Also cluster scoped configurations can be defined in a Cluster Object. User should provide an OpenStack keypair to get access to cluster nodes via SSH. **Cluster ops** +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Verb | URI | Description | +=================+===================================================================+========================================================+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters | Lists all Clusters. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters/ | Shows Information about specified Cluster by id. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | POST | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters | Starts a new Cluster. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | PUT | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters/ | Scale existing Cluster by adding nodes or Node Groups. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | DELETE | /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters/ | Terminates an existing Cluster by id. | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ **Examples** 6.1 List all Clusters --------------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation returns the list of all Clusters. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/clusters **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "clusters": [ { "status": "Waiting", "info": {}, "name": "doc-cluster", "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {}, "general": {} }, "default_image_id": "db12c199-d0b5-47d3-8a97-e95eeaeae615", "user_keypair_id": "doc-keypair", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "anti_affinity": [], "node_groups": [ { "count": 1, "updated": "2013-07-09T09:24:44", "name": "master", "created": "2013-07-09T09:24:44", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-master-001", "instance_id": "b366f88c-bf7d-4371-a046-96179ded4c83", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9" }, { "count": 3, "updated": "2013-07-09T09:24:44", "name": "worker", "created": "2013-07-09T09:24:44", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-001", "instance_id": "f9fcd132-0534-4023-b4f6-9e10e2156299", "volumes": [] }, { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-002", "instance_id": "ce486914-364c-456e-8b0e-322ad178ca9e", "volumes": [] }, { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-003", "instance_id": "21312b4f-82fd-4840-8ba6-1606c7a2a75a", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "6bbaba84-d936-4e76-9381-987d3568cf4c" } ], "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "1bb1cced-765e-4a2b-a5b6-ac6bbb0bb798" } ] } 6.2 Show Cluster ---------------- .. http:get:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters/{cluster_id} Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operation shows information about a specified Cluster. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v1.0/775181/clusters/c365b7dd-9b11-492d-a119-7ae023c19b51 **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "status": "Waiting", "info": {}, "name": "doc-cluster", "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {}, "general": {} }, "default_image_id": "db12c199-d0b5-47d3-8a97-e95eeaeae615", "user_keypair_id": "doc-keypair", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "anti_affinity": [], "node_groups": [ { "count": 1, "updated": "2013-07-09T09:24:44", "name": "master", "created": "2013-07-09T09:24:44", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-master-001", "instance_id": "b366f88c-bf7d-4371-a046-96179ded4c83", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9" }, { "count": 3, "updated": "2013-07-09T09:24:44", "name": "worker", "created": "2013-07-09T09:24:44", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-001", "instance_id": "f9fcd132-0534-4023-b4f6-9e10e2156299", "volumes": [] }, { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-002", "instance_id": "ce486914-364c-456e-8b0e-322ad178ca9e", "volumes": [] }, { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-003", "instance_id": "21312b4f-82fd-4840-8ba6-1606c7a2a75a", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "6bbaba84-d936-4e76-9381-987d3568cf4c" } ], "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "1bb1cced-765e-4a2b-a5b6-ac6bbb0bb798" } } 6.3 Start Cluster ----------------- .. http:post:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters Normal Response Code: 202 (ACCEPTED) Errors: none This operation returns created Cluster. **Example Cluster creation from template**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v1.0/775181/clusters .. sourcecode:: json { "plugin_name": "vanilla", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "cluster_template_id": "1bb1cced-765e-4a2b-a5b6-ac6bbb0bb798", "default_image_id": "db12c199-d0b5-47d3-8a97-e95eeaeae615", "user_keypair_id": "doc-keypair", "name": "doc-cluster", "cluster_configs": {} } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "status": "Waiting", "info": {}, "name": "doc-cluster", "default_image_id": "db12c199-d0b5-47d3-8a97-e95eeaeae615", "user_keypair_id": "doc-keypair", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "anti_affinity": [], "node_groups": [ { "count": 1, "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-master-001", "instance_id": "b366f88c-bf7d-4371-a046-96179ded4c83", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9" }, { "count": 3, "updated": "2013-07-09T09:24:44", "name": "worker", "created": "2013-07-09T09:24:44", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-001", "instance_id": "f9fcd132-0534-4023-b4f6-9e10e2156299", "volumes": [] }, { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-002", "instance_id": "ce486914-364c-456e-8b0e-322ad178ca9e", "volumes": [] }, { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-003", "instance_id": "21312b4f-82fd-4840-8ba6-1606c7a2a75a", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "6bbaba84-d936-4e76-9381-987d3568cf4c" } ], "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {}, "general": {} }, "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "1bb1cced-765e-4a2b-a5b6-ac6bbb0bb798" } } **Example Cluster creation from Node Groups**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v1.0/775181/clusters .. sourcecode:: json { "plugin_name": "vanilla", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "default_image_id": "db12c199-d0b5-47d3-8a97-e95eeaeae615", "user_keypair_id": "doc-keypair", "node_groups": [ { "name": "master", "count": 1, "flavor_id": "42", "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ] }, { "name": "worker", "count": 3, "flavor_id": "42", "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ] } ], "name": "doc-cluster2", "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": { "dfs.replication": 2 } }, "anti_affinity": [] } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "status": "Waiting", "info": {}, "name": "doc-cluster2", "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": { "dfs.replication": 2 }, "MapReduce": {}, "general": {} }, "default_image_id": "db12c199-d0b5-47d3-8a97-e95eeaeae615", "user_keypair_id": "doc-keypair", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "anti_affinity": [], "node_groups": [ { "count": 1, "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-master-001", "instance_id": "b366f88c-bf7d-4371-a046-96179ded4c83", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "ea34d320-09d7-4dc1-acbf-75b57cec81c9" }, { "count": 3, "name": "worker", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-001", "instance_id": "f9fcd132-0534-4023-b4f6-9e10e2156299", "volumes": [] }, { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-002", "instance_id": "ce486914-364c-456e-8b0e-322ad178ca9e", "volumes": [] }, { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-003", "instance_id": "21312b4f-82fd-4840-8ba6-1606c7a2a75a", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "6bbaba84-d936-4e76-9381-987d3568cf4c" } ], "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "1bb1cced-765e-4a2b-a5b6-ac6bbb0bb798" } } 6.4 Scale Cluster ----------------- .. http:put:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters/{cluster_id} Normal Response Code: 202 (ACCEPTED) Errors: none Scale Cluster changing number of nodes in existing Node Groups or adding new Node Groups. This operation returns updated Cluster. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http PUT http://savanna/v1.0/775181/clusters/9d7g51a-8123-424e-sdsr3-eb222ec989b1 .. sourcecode:: json { "resize_node_groups": [ { "count": 3, "name": "worker" } ], "add_node_groups": [ { "count": 2, "name": "big-worker", "node_group_template_id": "daa50c37-b11b-4f3d-a586-e5dcd0a4110f" } ] } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "status": "Validating", "info": { "HDFS": { "Web UI": "" }, "MapReduce": { "Web UI": "" } }, "description": "", "cluster_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {}, "general": {} }, "default_image_id": "db12c199-d0b5-47d3-8a97-e95eeaeae615", "user_keypair_id": "doc-keypair", "cluster_template_id": "9426fcb7-4c61-457f-8138-ff3bcf8a55ae", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "anti_affinity": [], "node_groups": [ { "count": 1, "name": "master", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "namenode", "jobtracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-master-001", "internal_ip": "", "instance_id": "c6ddd972-e9a3-4c3d-a572-ee5f689dbd54", "management_ip": "", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "e66689e0-4486-4634-ac92-66ac74a86ba6" }, { "count": 3, "name": "worker", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-001", "internal_ip": "", "instance_id": "4652aec1-0086-41fc-9d52-e0a22497fa36", "management_ip": "", "volumes": [] }, { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-worker-002", "internal_ip": "", "instance_id": "42609367-20b9-4211-9fbb-bc20348d43e5", "management_ip": "", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "24ed6654-7160-4705-85f3-9e28310842af" }, { "count": 2, "name": "big-worker", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_size": 10, "node_processes": [ "datanode", "tasktracker" ], "flavor_id": "42", "volumes_per_node": 0, "node_configs": { "HDFS": {}, "MapReduce": {} }, "instances": [ { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-big-worker-001", "internal_ip": "", "instance_id": "747ba11f-ccc8-4119-ac46-77161f0bf12c", "management_ip": "", "volumes": [] }, { "instance_name": "doc-cluster-big-worker-002", "internal_ip": "", "instance_id": "2b0431aa-0707-4e9f-96bb-8f4493e6e340", "management_ip": "", "volumes": [] } ], "node_group_template_id": "24ed6654-7160-4705-85f3-9e28310842af" } ], "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "e8918684-0941-4637-8238-6fc03a9ba043", "name": "doc-cluster" } } 6.5 Terminate Cluster --------------------- .. http:delete:: /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters/{cluster_id} Normal Response Code: 204 (NO CONTENT) Errors: none Terminate existing cluster. This operation returns nothing. This operation does not require a request body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE http://savanna/v1.0/775181/clusters/9d7g51a-8123-424e-sdsr3-eb222ec989b1 **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT Content-Type: application/json